Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow White update

After a fun, first ComiCon, Kori decided she wanted to be more involved and started trying to figure out how do more with costuming. She had this Snow White costume but wanted to personalize it with SteamPunk elements. We soaked the costume in a brown dye in an attempt to age it a bit, but its a  synthetic silky finish so that didn't do much. We looked for other elements that a first time maker could do. 

We added Goggles, a corset belt, A chain with various Snow White Icon charms, a longer "slip" for added length and her awesome skull Converse Allstars.  

She was a hit with lots of photos taken. (the ultimate cosplay compliment) 

But after a couple of cons we decided it was time for some updating. We added a new longer backed Petticoat/ Bustle, 

A new slip with a beautiful lace edging.

A new, cool Corset belt that sits a little different on her bustle. 

We found a cool necklace with the 7 Dwarves. It was a weird color, but I am becoming quite brave with a can of spray paint. 

We also made a pouch for her cell phone to loosen up her hands when kids attack her

This photo taken by a con photographer which is why it beats my usual cellphone shots. 

Before        and        After

It is an adapt of a pre-made costume. Homemade is wonderful but not always feasible or sometimes you find a perfect element to help you along the way to your costume. Cosplay can be anything and is just a chance to express your fandoms. I think Kori's love of Snow has grown as she has been stopped for photos, recognized as "You're Steampunk Snow White??" (she is getting a following) and while watching children eyes light up as they run to hug her. 

We have made quite a few different pieces now and we are discussing creating a whole new dress. I am not sure how or when this might happen. There are details we really love and things we would like to do better. So keep an eye out as Septembers ComiCon approaches. We may have a new Snow White to reveal

We have seen this dress used once since and thought it was cool to see the different eye used to create this Snow White found with a group of lovely Steampunk Princesses

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