Saturday, February 28, 2015

Setting up future posts.

I haven't added to this blog in SO long. I think I was trying to get some projects finished then life exploded. So I will be working on a bunch of posts to get some of this off my mind (and iPhoto). But first setting up information and a couple of definitions that might be helpful.

My family has become ComiCon people. Mostly due to Jenna. She found Doctor Who and that lead her to other fandoms. After that we started looking where ComiCons were held to see if we could ever get her to one. Then the announcement came for a local Salt Lake ComiCon.  We bought our tickets quickly and started working on costumes for the kids since we knew dressing as favorite characters is a fun part of any Con. 

       The art or practice of wearing costumes to portray characters from fiction, especially from manga, animation, and science fiction. (Superhero, Princesses or any character you love.)

We had a blast. It was amazing to see the creativity and talent of the Cosplayers. We were also impressed at the quality of guests, displays and artists especially considering it was the first event like this.  

All items below from Weta Workshop. The creators of Middle Earth in Lord of the Rings.

We have attended 2 ComicCons, 2 FanX events and 1 FantasyCon so far and are awaiting announcements for the next event. It has added so much to our lives. It gives us something to bond over as a family. It gives me a creative outlet as the kids challenge me with cosplay items to make and skills to develop. It gives inspiration as you see the amazing creations from talented builders, costumers and others who, like me, are just trying our hand at something new.  Friendships have been formed for the kids and through volunteering I have become surrounded by the most amazing people. This past year has brought great things to us that I can directly associate it to. I have loved watching this support grow around our family. 

I wanted to intro what is to come as I have uploaded MANY photos for future blog posts. Most associated with cosplay.

Another word for future use. 
Is a subgenre of scifi and fantasy literature, but has developed in recent years to become a craft and lifestyle movement that commonly features aspects of steam-powered machinery. Steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century's British Victorian era or American "Wild West", in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has maintained mainstream use, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power.

Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines but tends to synthesize modern styles with influences from the Victorian era. This may include bustlescorsets, gowns, and petticoats; suits with waistcoats, coats, top hatstailcoats and spats; or military-inspired garments. Steampunk-influenced outfits are usually accented with several technological and "period" accessories: timepieces, parasols, flying/driving goggles, and ray guns.

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